Beaconsfield Secret to Success - Revealed !!

By David Simpson

Bounce or Not to Bounce ?

Yes the truth has been let out on Social Media.

Beaconsfield literally ' Bounce ' to new levels of success

Our eagle eyed reporter spotted the Kit Bags and can reveal
they are attending ' Special Classes'

The team were put through their paces in an off-site interval training session tailored to target strength, conditioning and core for an all-body workout.

Cardio HIIT routines were deployed by our expert instructor to improve fitness, stamina and heart rate which in turn will help prepare the team for future games.

With exercises selected to focus on body weight to train and strengthen the core, the workout made a refreshing change for Beaconsfield Town Football Clubs’ training regime encompassing all the important elements of fitness training.

After almost an hour of hard work, it was time for fun and games on our dodgeball court, adrenaline rush assault course and a few flips in the foam pit!

The verdict?

“Great team bonding and excitement”
“Exciting fun yet tough all over body workout”
“When can we do this again?”

Source Rush UK

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