West Saturday 12 August 2017, 15:00
Attendance 202
Wimborne Town
3 - 1
Bishops Cleeve
  • T Holmes 11',
  • M Oldring 21',
  • J Lovell 61'
  • J Sklenar 43'(Pen)
  • As it happened
  • Report
  • League round up
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88:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
83:00 Missed Shot
Shot missed for Wimborne Town
82:00 Goal 5 - 1
Goal for Wimborne Town
81:00 Saved Shot
Shot saved for Wimborne Town
78:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
75:00 Sub Off
Elliot Kennedy is substituted off for Bishops Cleeve
75:00 Sub On
Joe Bates is substituted on for Bishops Cleeve
74:00 Saved Shot
Shot saved for Wimborne Town
73:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
72:00 Saved Shot
Jordan Staten has a shot saved for Bishops Cleeve
71:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
70:00 Sub On
Kieran Alder is substituted on for Bishops Cleeve
70:00 Sub Off
Anthony Burton is substituted off for Bishops Cleeve
67:00 Missed Shot
Elliot Kennedy misses a shot for Bishops Cleeve
66:00 Foul
Joel Hobbs is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
61:00 Sub Off
Will Tunnicliff is substituted off for Bishops Cleeve
61:00 Goal 4 - 1
Jack Lovell scores for Wimborne Town
61:00 Sub On
Shane Bumphrey is substituted on for Bishops Cleeve
60:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
58:00 Foul
Jacob Nutting is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
57:00 Foul
Will Tunnicliff is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
56:00 Foul
Elliot Kennedy is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
55:00 Foul
Jacob Nutting is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
55:00 Missed Shot
Jacob Sloggett misses a shot for Bishops Cleeve
53:00 Missed Shot
Matty Oldring misses a shot for Wimborne Town
49:00 Missed Shot
Jack Sklenar misses a shot for Bishops Cleeve
47:00 Saved Shot
Will Tunnicliff has a shot saved for Bishops Cleeve
46:00 Missed Shot
Shot missed for Wimborne Town
End of period 1
44:59 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
43:00 Red Card 3 - 1
Billy Maybury is sent off for Wimborne Town
43:00 Scored Penalty 3 - 1
Jack Sklenar scores a penalty for Bishops Cleeve
42:00 Foul
Elliot Kennedy is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
38:00 Foul
Jack Lovell is fouled for Wimborne Town
37:00 Saved Shot
Shot saved for Wimborne Town
36:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
33:00 Foul
Jacob Nutting is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
30:00 Missed Shot
Shot missed for Wimborne Town
30:00 Foul
Logan Stoddart is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
29:00 Foul
Foul against Wimborne Town
27:00 Foul
Anthony Burton is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
25:00 Foul
Chris Pates is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
24:00 Saved Shot
Shot saved for Wimborne Town
22:00 Missed Shot
Jack Lovell misses a shot for Wimborne Town
21:00 Goal 3 - 0
Matty Oldring scores for Wimborne Town
20:00 Goal 2 - 0
Goal for Wimborne Town
17:00 Foul
Elliot Kennedy is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
16:00 Foul
Jack Lovell is fouled for Wimborne Town
15:00 Missed Shot
Elliot Kennedy misses a shot for Bishops Cleeve
11:00 Goal 1 - 0
Tony Holmes scores for Wimborne Town
9:00 Saved Shot
Elliot Kennedy has a shot saved for Bishops Cleeve
2:00 Foul
Jacob Sloggett is fouled for Bishops Cleeve
2:00 Saved Shot
Shot saved for Wimborne Town
Start of the game
Mitres lose against 10 men Magpies
Mitres lose against 10 men Magpies By Matthew Jones,

Cleeve manager Steve Cleal was left disappointed in many of his players performance as they were unable to capitalise on a red card late in the first half.


# Team Pl Pts
1. Taunton Town 42 103
2. Salisbury 42 84
3. Wimborne Town 42 77
4. Evesham United 42 76
5. Swindon Supermarine 42 74
6. Didcot Town 42 73
7. Cirencester Town 42 73
8. Bideford 42 72
9. Bristol Manor Farm 42 69
10. AFC Totton 42 66
11. Winchester City 42 61
12. Kidlington 42 57
13. Cinderford Town 42 54
14. Yate Town 42 53
15. Larkhall Athletic 42 45
16. Mangotsfield United 42 41
17. Shortwood United 42 40
18. North Leigh 42 38
19. Paulton Rovers 42 37
20. Slimbridge 42 35
21. Barnstaple Town 42 29
22. Bishops Cleeve 42 24

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